The effect of the galaxy-halo connection on galaxy clustering in the advent of stage-IV experiments


Recording of the talk; LIneA webinar series

Studies of the Large-Scale Structure via galaxy clustering is a fundamental observational pillar of the standard model of cosmology, LCDM. As we enter the era of sub-percent precision cosmology, we need to understand very well the connection between the dark matter halos and the observed galaxies ir order to obtain unbiased cosmological parameters. In this talk I will analyse all the assumptions that enter into the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model to understand how they can affect the clustering of galaxies, with a focus on Emission Line Galaxies (ELGs), key to the next generation of experiments. I will study the shape of the mean halo occupation curves, the probability distribution function of the satellite galaxies and the position and velocity profiles of the satellite galaxies around the halo centers. Later, I will fit the HOD model to ELG data from the completed extended Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) under different assumptions. Finally, I will show what effect the galaxy-halo connection could have on cosmological constraints and will discuss its relevance in the context of future surveys such as Euclid or DESI.