About me
I am a Ramón y Cajal research fellow working at the Centro de Investigaciones Eneréticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), located at Ciudad Universitaria of Madrid. I am a cosmologist, which means I study the Universe as whole: its origin, evolution, content and physics. My field of expertise is the Large-Scale Structure (LSS) of the Universe and cosmological simulations. I study and model how galaxies distribute in space and what information we can extract from galaxy surveys in order to better understand our Universe. Appart from research, I also teach and do outreach.
Here I outline the fields and subfields my research touches on. Go to Research for further details.
Key words:
- Large-Scale Structure
- Cosmological Simulations
- Galaxy Surveys
- Observational Cosmology
- Dark Energy
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Dark Matter
- Inflation
Main interests/expertise:
- Galaxy Clustering (GC)
- Baryonic Accoustic Oscillations (BAO)
- N-Body Simulations
- Fast cosmological simulations
- Primordial Non-Gaussianities (PNG)
- The galaxy - dark matter connection and Halo Occupation Distribution model (HOD)
- HI Instensity Mapping
Other Interests:
- Redshift Space Distortions (RSD)
- Semi-Analytical Models of Galaxy formation
- Hydrodynamical simulations
- Weak Lensing (WL)
- Cross-Correlations, multi-probe and multi-tracers
International Collaborations
Current challenges in cosmology require the coherent effort of the entire community to be addressed. That is why a large portion of nowadays ground-breaking research is performed within large international collaborations, often with hundreds of scientist involved. This is the list of collaborations in which I have been actively involved:
Dark Energy Survey (DES) I am currently one of the two conveners of the Large Scale Structure (LSS) Science Working Group (SWG), in charge of Galaxy Clustering (GC), while we analyse the final dataset (Year-6 or Y6). The LSS-SWG is in charge of the whole BAO Key Project (KP), of providing the GC products for the 3x2pt (combined GC & WL) KP analysis and of other science projects related to GC such us the study of Primordial Non-Gaussianitties.
extended Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) / SDSS-IV I performed the Halo Occupation Distribution analysis for Emission Line Galaxies and I was involved in the ELG and general cosmology analsysis. I was also involved in the eBOSSxGBT analysis.
Euclid. I am currently one of the leads of the “Simulations for Galaxy Clustering” Work Package. Involved in the Simulations and Galaxy clustering SWG.
Square Kilometer Array (SKA) I studied the viability and methodology of measuring BAO with SKA HI intensity mapping program in presence of observational (foreground and telescop beam) effects.
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). I generate mock catalogue with PNG. I am also involved in the ELG HOD.
UNIT simulations (UNITsims) I participated in the UNITsim-Galaxies project. I have led the PNG-UNITsim project (abstracts 2021-3; 2022-2; 2022-3; 2023-1).
If you are a student who would like to start a project (BSc, MSc, PhD, TFM, TFG, …) on these topics, please, contact me.